What’s your Mode?

We’ve all been there. Excited but overwhelmed. Ready to make a difference but not sure of how. Looking around for connection but not quite finding it.

It happens. In the best of places with the best of people. Mentorship can’t be forced and isn’t easy to find. Knowing someone’s unique challenges and being able to speak freely with a sense of psychological safety in your work environment is often yearned for but commonly not found. Perhaps you aren’t even aware of what exactly it is that you’re not getting, just the sense that you know your potential is not being met.

My friend you’re stuck in survival mode and sadly it’s the daily existence of many academics who desire to serve and do more.

In 2022, you don’t have to wait for your organization to meet all of your needs.

Learn what it takes to Thrive in your academic career!

Get a complimentary Global DISC profile when you sign up for a 30 minute Thrive Mode Assessment!

Get Started

Time to Apply what you Know…


Phase II is here…Dun Dun Dunnnn